Tuesday, September 3, 2019

angel.ts fav school tech..

hi my name is Angel.T and I go to gisborne intermediate school. my favourite tech in gisborne intermediate school is horticulture tech. its my favourite tech because mrs delatorre the the teacher that teaches the students in that tech is really lovely. also because we learn a lot of new things and a lot of interesting things about how plants grow, or maybe how they die. and lots of different and interesting insects. every day during horticulture tech mrs (D). would take us out to the garden to go and water the plants. or make a new refreshed garden.. she would sometimes let us go to see the chickens. and feed them worms or the left overed compost. but feeding the worms to the chickens was the best part. she said that we needed the worms to help the gardens so we kinda had to stop. there were so many different plants to choose. mrs (D) said that we could plant any plant we ever wanted. but there weren't any of the plants that i really wanted to plant. there were plants like lavenders,or cabbages,or carrots. and loads more. i liked to plant the veges. because planting the veges was mrs delatorres favourite part of plants.. we learnt lots and lots of stuff that could help gardens and tiny insects. and she even told us the secret to plants and insects. but i kinda promised i wouldn't tell anyone so yeah. but that is the main possible reason why horticulture tech is the bestest tech in the world. and i wished to show you pics but they were not uploading fast enough so sorry. i really hope you liked this post.